
Dottie is a three year old girl that is learning life can be good! She was primarily used for breeding but when she lost her last litter- she was not of any use to her previous owners. Since she has come to her foster home she has learned that other dogs won’t hurt her, walks can be fun, leashes don’t have to be scary and people might have something yummy in their pocket.    She loves her crate and that is where you will likely find her snoozing.  She will find all of the toys and put them in the crate with her and she has not chewed or ripped her blankets. She was slow to warm up to her foster brothers and sisters so if her forever home has a resident canine it will be best for slow introductions. She is very interested in the outside kitties so a cat free home is needed. She is doing well with her house training and learning that things on the counter are off limits. She is very sweet and soaks up affection and will even do “drive by kisses” when she is running past her foster mom. She will need her forever home to help her with confidence and continue her training.