
Ellie is a fun-loving firecracker of a girl!  Just shy of 1 year old (turns 1 at the end of October) she is chalk FULL of dobie puppy energy and sass!  She gets along great w/her 2 foster brothers (a 1.5-year-old male Doberman and a 3-year-old male Aussie/Lab/Border Collie mix) and is pretty respectful with the 3-year-old female Doberman staying on vacation with us!  Miss Ellie knows the basics, sit, lay down, wait and is pretty decentw/her recall (when she wants to be) and has plenty of smarts to learn more!  She is crate trained, but she can be dramatic and throw a tantrum on occasion, she would rather be out playing.  She LOVES to go on walks but is a mild puller and weaver. Ellie is a super sweet, smart, and affectionate girl, but due to her high puppy energy she can run through a room like a little jack rabbit wrecking ball as well as get a little puppy mouthy when playing.

Ellie would thrive with an active family with a big, physically fenced back yard and a buddy (or two) and maybe some older children to keep her busy!